10 SELF REFLECTION QUESTIONS to ask yourself every month…

As time passes, I become more disturbed by how fast time passes; it feels like I blink these days and a year goes by! I talk a lot about having “pause button” moments and self reflection is a great way to do that. If you’re unsure of where to begin (or want some journaling prompts to write about), here are 10 SELF REFLECTION QUESTIONS to ask yourself every month.


1. Do I feel supported by my circle?

Having people in your life that show you love, respect, and support is so important. If you’re not feeling supported, it might mean it’s time to ask yourself some tough questions about the people you surround yourself with…..but if you do feel supported, this is an opportunity to express gratitude for their presence in your life! Either way, be aware of the kinds of energy you invite into your space because it can have big influence on your mood!

2. When do I feel the most joy?

Is it when you’re painting? While eating pizza? During a movie marathon?

Whatever it is that lights up your soul, it’s something worth paying attention to and perhaps brainstorming ways to dedicate more time to it.

3. When’s the last time I felt inspired?

People often ask me where I get inspiration from, and I think a mistake many people think is believing inspiration comes to them as opposed to it being something they can pursue. I know I feel most inspired when I’m consuming other creative content like podcasts or music, so I integrate more of that in my life when I’m looking to get in that “inspired headspace!”

To be able to know where your inspiration comes from, you have to start playing detective— be curious and try as many different things as possible! Eventually, you’ll notice that thing or hobby— however random it might be— that gets your soul fired up!

4. How is fear playing a role in my life right now?

We all feel fear at some point in our lives. Is the fear in your life pushing you or holding you back? How can you transform it into something positive?

5. Am I taking time on a daily basis to do something selfish for myself?

Putting yourself on the top of your to-do list makes it so that you can show up better for the other people and responsibilities in your life...I’m ALWAYS having to remind myself this because it’s so easy to brush off self-care when life becomes overwhelming (ironic because that’s when we usually need it the most).

6. When I think about money I feel [fill in blank].

Money is a topic that can bring about fear, anxiety, worry, joy, thrill, etc. etc. 

When I first went full-time as a content creator, I was in a “scarcity mindset” with money; I worried about it disappearing and I overanalyzed every purchase. It’s not a fun attitude to have with money and when I finally realized that my relationship with money— like any relationship— requires work, I was able to take steps to improving it! Find out more about my money journey HERE.

7. How do I speak to my body?

Our bodies are vessels that allow us to experience the world! No matter what shape or size your body is, it is worthy of respect (from others and, most importantly, from yourself)!

8. In an ideal world, my one-year future-self will be [fill in blank].

What’s something big or small that you want for your future-self? Once you have that answer, you can begin breaking it down and figuring out what small steps you can begin making in the next days/weeks/months to help you get there!

Lost on where to begin? Try making a vision board! Check out my process of creating a vision board, here!

9. What’s my current morning routine?

My morning routine is something I protect! I hate being rushed in the morning so I make a point of waking up early and incorporating time for some self-care (even if that self-care means drinking more cup of coffee in peace 😜)! 

Mornings can be a great place to incorporate healthy habits so that you don’t risk other things during the day distracting you from “me time.” Check out my latest morning routine, HERE.

10. How have I impressed myself within the last year?

Maybe I’m alone here, but I am constantly forgetting to give myself pats on the back for cool things I’ve accomplished. Again, I think it goes back to this idea that we overly invest mental energy into negativity as opposed to positivity— I bet when something embarrassing happens to you, you can’t help but replay that scene on repeat in your brain (guilty lol)! If only we took that same approach to our accomplishments…imagine how empowered we’d feel!

When’s the last time you had a self-reflection section? Do you use any tools for self-reflections (e.g. vision board, journal, etc.)? Let me know in the comments below! For more self-care content, read about 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO ADD SELF-CARE TO YOUR ROUTINE. Until next time, Xo. —C.


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