Organization in any form is exciting, but it's especially helpful when it comes to your pantry. Meal planning and making meals can be difficult enough as it is—ensuring you can find everything that you're looking for is a small way to make your life a bit easier!

Today I'm sharing 4 pantry organizers that have made my pantry a much calmer place! Just a reminder though: when organizing, take it slow with bringing organizers into your space. It's tempting to buy organizers when you’re feeling excited to get your space together, but organizers aren't what make a space work for you. You have to understand what your needs are, so take the process slowly. I’ve definitely made the mistake of over-buying bins that I ended up having no real use for (oops).


YouCopia Turntable

The day I came across this crazy susan at a local organization store, my jaw dropped and heart-eyes emerged. *When I tell you this turntable is one of my favourite organizing tools in my kitchen, I am not exaggerating— it's life-changing! ....Okay, there might be some possible exaggeration happening here, but it's prettttty incredible 😂

The great thing about this turntable is that you can take out each of the compartments so accessing everything is super easy. I currently am using it for organizing my tea stash, but it's also a great one to use for snacks like granola bars. Plus, who doesn't love a good spinning device?!


OXO Food Storage

One of my go-to things to look at on Pinterest are boards dedicated to pantry organization and, more often than not, they include beautiful clear bins for storing food.

Any clear storage container that is airtight is going to be great for your pantry because it's easy to see what food you have on hand but *I really love these OXO Food Storage bins. They’re durable, have a clean design, and do a great job at keeping things fresh — I end up saving money too from not having items like brown sugar or flour expire on me!

Side note: I love adding in *little plastic scoops to make it simple to grab a scoop of chia seeds or oats! They save me from having to get a regular spoon dirty, AND make me feel like I have a bulk store in my home....what a thrill, right?! :P


Under the Shelf Basket

Feeling like you're not making use of all the space in your cupboards? Well well well, *the under-shelf basket is about to become your new best friend. These things are typically pretty affordable and can provide you extra room to store cans, snacks, *stasher bags, etc.

The spice area of my cupboard doesn't take up much height, so by adding one of these on top, I have been able to make efficient use of the dead space and created a designated spot for storing my extra seasoning refill bags! I love it!


Tiered shelf

If you can't see what's in your pantry, chances are you will be forgetting about it for weeks/months! *Tiered shelves can really come in handy for this reason because they make it easier to have visibility on more items.

There are tiered shelves specifically designed for spices and others that are wide enough for cans of beans and pasta sauces. Whichever configuration you choose, these can be a real game-changer to your pantry life if you're struggling to keep track of what's in your cupboards!


Feeling the itch to get some organization done? Check out my latest ORGANIZE WITH ME to give you more ideas and inspo! Until next time, Xo —C.

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4 WAYS to add SPICE to your planner spreads