Organizing doesn’t have to complicated! Today I’m walking you through four simple ways to get more organized in different areas of your life. My recommendation? Tackle one step a week so that you can enjoy the process— organization becomes much more difficult when you feel overwhelmed. As I’ve said before, any progress is progress (and that’s a phrase that applies to much more than just organization). Let’s get into it!

1) Digital Declutter

If you’re like me, then you probably spend a disturbing amount of time on your phone. Even though I spend a lot of time in my digital environment, I often forget to take time to manage the chaos that is my phone’s apps, contacts, photos, etc. Not only do regular clean-outs help prevent you from maxing out your storage, getting rid of the clutter also allows you to scroll in peace!

Challenge: Set a 30 minute timer and delete old apps/photos, and unfollow accounts that you don't feel good consuming content from! I also love taking this opportunity to change up my wallpaper and rearrange my homepage to give my phone a new look!

2) Tackle a “junk drawer” space in your home

Organizing your whole room/home can be a lot of work— not all of us have the time or willpower to tackle such an intimidating task (my bathroom is currently judging my resistance to an organization session haha)! But it’s more than okay to start small. . . organizing isn’t an all-or-nothing game.

Challenge: pick a “junk drawer” area in your house (i.e. medicine cabinet, bedside-table drawer, front entrance table) and work on decluttering/organizing.

I spent 10 minutes cleaning out my front entrance drawer and sorting everything into piles: reusable shopping bags, hand sanitizers, gum, and reusable masks. Fun fact— I “stole” the basket being used for my masks from my office drawer. I love giving items I already own new life by placing them in different rooms/areas of my apartment!

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3) Operate with intention

When the discussion about organization comes up, I think our instinct is to think about physical spaces, but organizing your time is just as important! We all have busy lives— between work, family, friends, school, hobbies, and adulting responsibilities (I’m looking at you, laundry), it’s easy to get overwhelmed. 

Challenge: Start each day for the next 7 days writing down the top THREE things you want to get accomplished and use that as your guide for the day. 

I love a long to-do list, but looking at a column of unchecked boxes can be stressful….narrowing my focus helps keep me from being overwhelmed. I also like to ensure I have some sort of treat for myself if I get those three tasks accomplished…today's treat is reading a chapter of my book  :)

4) Organizing our thoughts

I don't know about you, but sometimes my brain is LOUD— especially during periods of my life where I feel overwhelmed and more prone to stressful/anxious thoughts.  

Earlier this year I read a book called, *Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein, and in the book Gabrielle talks about the “Choose Again Method.” This is a three-step method for stopping the downward spiral of a negative thought (and it's a method that has helped me out quite a bit this year, so I figured I'd share it with you).  

Step 1: Notice the thought (what are you feeling?)

Step 2: Forgive the thought 

Step 3: Choose again (think about the next best thought you can have right now)

For example, I'm heading into this week feeling doubt about a work decision….doubt is an emotion that can really spiral out of control if you don't properly deal with it. So something I can do to pause that spiral is to (1) recognize what I'm feeling, (2) remind myself that the fact that I'm feeling doubt is a sign that I care about the work I do, and (3) choose to view this decision as a learning opportunity that'll make me a better decision-maker. 

In other words, the Choose Again Method is a way of taking control of your thoughts by looking at negativity from a new perspective— my challenge for you is to try it out at some point in these next seven days! 

Maybe it'll help your brain feel less chaotic, and maybe it won't, haha! But either way, I think it's a neat way to add a bit of intentionality into your headspace

What’s your favourite life organization hack? What organization topics should I tackle next? Let me know in the comments below! These tips came directly from September’s WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS, so if you want to get in on the fun, JOIN HERE! Until next time, Xo. — C.

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