Summer Beauty Essentials

Whenever a new season begins, I feel the need to make some updates to my beauty routine— as a Canadian, I experience intense cold and heat, so one routine never works for the whole year! Today I’m sharing 5 beauty essentials that I love incorporating into my life during the summer months.  

Orange and Blue Swimsuit Summer Forever.jpg

1.     Sunscreen

The one “skincare secret” I see everywhere? WEAR. SUNSCREEN. Even during the winter, sunscreen protects you from harmful ultraviolet rays that can damage your skin. Chances are, with the warmer weather, you’re spending more time outdoors on the beach and taking walks, so it’s extra important to not forget this step in your skincare routine.

I like to apply sunscreen onto my face before moisturizing. I also try my best to remember to apply it to any exposed skin before I head out the door. A hat is also a good idea if you’re planning to be in direct sunlight for long periods of time!

2.     Multi-purpose Sticks

It’s humid, you feel sticky and your hair is frizzing in different directions….sound familiar? This is my reality in the summer and it’s a reality that doesn’t make me want to add unnecessary layers of makeup to my face that will, ultimately, end up sliding off once I’m outdoors (I’m really painting a cute image here, I know haha). Needless to say, “less is more” is my summer motto…especially if I’m planning on spending any time in water. 

Multi-use products like this *macabeet stick from cocokind are great additions to my purse for on-the-go application! This stick works great as a tinted lip balm or natural-looking cream blush.

3.     Bright Nail Polish

I have a love-hate relationship with nail polish— I love how put together it makes me look and feel, but I despise nail polish chips! Usually this means I avoid applying nail polish unless I’m filming a journal video or going to a special event, but during the summer, adding polish is a game changer…especially when painting my toes because it’s an easy way to add some cuteness to my open-toe footwear. 

The warmer weather definitely inspires me to go for some bright, fun colours; one of my go-to’s is a pastel pink (*“figi” by Essie is a colour I’ve been using for years).


4.     Body Lotion

The warmer weather means that dresses, shorts and tanks are, more likely than not, going to be a big part of your summer wardrobe. Although we tend to associate the need for moisturizer with the winter, I really like to use moisturizer in the summer to keep my skin soft (I don’t know about you guys, but my elbows always need a little extra lovin’).

I love this moisturizer from Basd…the *invigorating mint version not only smells awesome, but it’s formulated with coconut oil and shea butter and makes my skin feel amazing after application!


5.    Dry Brush

On the topic of smooth skin, *dry brushing is a must! If you have never heard of dry brushing before, it’s essentially the act of using a brush on dry skin in upward motions (i.e. brushing towards your heart). Dry brushing exfoliates your skin much like a body scrub, so I really like doing this in the summer before shaving sessions to ensure I’m minimizing razor bumps and getting a close shave— I’ve even purchased a dry brush that’s specifically made to be more *sensitive for the bikini area. In addition to all of its benefits, dry brushing just feels really good!

Well, I’m officially off to do some exfoliating— I hope this list gave you some inspiration for your summer beauty routine! If you’re looking for more skincare talk, be sure to check out my skincare routine post…I talk all about cleansers, toners and moisturizers. If you have any beauty recommendations for me, be sure to leave them below or reach out on my socials. Until next time, Xo. —C.

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