
Instead of going with a traditional “August” title for the month at a glance, I figured it’d be fun to use a song lyric instead: “August slipped away like a bottle of wine…” Ever since the folklore album came out last year, I have been obsessed with this song. To write out the lyric I used a dual-ended MONOTWIN black pen/marker from Tombow. For the calendar portion of the spread, I drew out a simple block calendar all in black. The right page is reserved for highlighting important events, appointments, birthdays, meetings, etc.

Menu Planner

Menu planning is definitely a necessity in my life if I hope to be consistently making good quality meals that taste good and energize me— so that’s what I’m doing with these next two pages. To make the spread a little bit more exciting though, I thought it’d be fun to draw out a mini peaches pattern on the top left and bottom right pages….little peaches seem to be such a trendy pattern these days, and they’re not too difficult to draw out so it was actually a really simple pattern to put together. I used the same pink acrylograph marker from the previous page to draw the fruit and then you’ll see me go in with my Tomboy in 228 with the fine tip to add baby leaves. I just love how this ended up turning out, I could see myself using this pattern again!

The left page is a traditional menu planner for assigning specific meals to the days of the week— it’s just a simple 7 row, single-column table. On the right page is a designated spot for recipe brainstorming (there’s a spot for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to write down ideas).

The 28 Day Cycle 

If you watched my vlog from a couple of weeks ago then you may remember me talking about how I’m currently on a mission to do more education on my body, and specifically how my cycle and hormones play a role in how productive I can be, my workouts, my mindset, etc. So I actually picked up this book called “In the Flo” by Alisa Vitti that walks through the 28 day Infradian Rhythm and its four phases: follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstrual.

To visually display the four phases, I created the circle on the left page with my acrylograph marker and then divided the circle into quarters. At the bottom of the left page, I duplicated a chart found in the book on page 45 that gives details about the length of each phase.

Weekly Layout

Normally when I create a weekly layout I go for either a vertical layout or a horizontal one, but this time around I felt like it’d be fun to create more of a dashboard for the week. Like a traditional weekly spread, there’s still a spot for each day of the week in the form of a table on the left page, but there’s only enough room to write one or two main priorities for the day. On the top of the right page is a habit tracker grid for tracking hydration, mediation, yoga (or workouts), and gratitude. 

To incorporate the pink found on all of the others spreads I’ve created so far in this video, I did little pink globs to fill in white space areas that I had no real use for. On the right page, I also left a large chunk of the page available for making my to-do list for the week, a spot to record what book I am reading, and a little area to express three things I’m grateful for. 

Product Links

*Archer and olive dotted notebook: (use code "caitlinscorner" for a 10% discount at Archer & Olive)

*acrylograph markers (warm fall, .7mm):

*my favourite bullet journal supplies:

*sakura pigma micron black pens:

*tombow monotwin:

*sharpie s-gel black pen:


*muji black gel pens:

Which spread from August’s spreads was your favourite? Let me know in the comments below! And stay tuned because a new BULLET JOURNALING FOR STUDENTS & WORK video is coming SOON :) Until next time, Xo. —C.


